Prostitution in Pereira: History, Reality, and Reflections on Ethical Tourism


Pereira has been associated with prostitution, and we will talk about this history. One of the most vibrant cities in Colombia’s Coffee Region has been known for decades not only for its beautiful landscapes, high-quality coffee, and warm people, but also for a controversial reputation: prostitution.

Popular imagination has linked Pereira with the idea that the city is a destination for sex tourism, a perception rooted in complex historical and social factors. But what lies behind this reputation, and how can we focus on a more ethical and sustainable tourism?

The Origin of the Reputation: A History of Free and Modern Women

The history of Pereira and the perception of Pereira’s women intertwine with the concept of the “free woman,” open-minded and independent. In past decades, the city witnessed rapid and disorganized growth, which brought about complex social dynamics. Migration to the city, combined with a lack of economic opportunities for many women, led some to turn to prostitution as a means of survival.

Simultaneously, the stereotype of the “Pereirana woman” emerged as independent, self-assured, modern, and uninhibited, feeding the city’s reputation in terms of sexuality. During the 1980s and 1990s, as globalization began to strongly influence Colombia, this myth solidified, leading to an increase in sex tourism. Like other cities in Latin America, Pereira became an attractive destination for certain travelers seeking sexual experiences.

However, it’s important to emphasize that many of these women are not only survivors of difficult contexts but also representatives of a social evolution towards greater female independence. Over time, the women of Pereira have proven to be brave, resilient, and capable of challenging the norms imposed by a patriarchal society.

Reflections on Prostitution in Pereira Today

Today, prostitution in Pereira remains a reality. Nevertheless, the city is also making efforts to redirect its image and promote responsible and sustainable tourism that does not depend on sexual exploitation but rather values its cultural, natural, and human wealth.

Prostitution continues to be an issue affecting not only Pereira but also many cities around the world. It is an activity often related to exploitation, human trafficking, and economic inequality. Many women in this situation do so due to a lack of options, and it is essential for society to seek solutions that protect the most vulnerable and prevent exploitation.

The current challenge is to change the narrative about Pereira, focusing on the richness of its culture, landscapes, and the hospitality of its people, while addressing the underlying issues affecting women and vulnerable communities.

Towards Ethical and Sustainable Tourism

Instead of perpetuating Pereira’s fame as a destination for sex tourism, it is time to invest in tourism that promotes dignity, respect, and sustainability. Sustainable tourism not only focuses on protecting the environment but also on empowering local communities and fostering inclusive and responsible economic development.

Ethical tourism involves being aware of the impact that our decisions as travelers have on the destinations we visit. Pereira, with its coffee-growing landscapes, hot springs, and vibrant cultural life, offers countless opportunities to experience authentic and enriching moments that do not involve the exploitation of people.

Women in Pereira have historically been seen as free, open, and modern. It’s time to redefine what this means in today’s context: a modern woman is one who has the freedom to decide about her life, with access to fair economic opportunities, education, and respect for her dignity.

What Can We Do as Travelers?

  • Promote responsible tourism: Contribute to the protection of human rights and human dignity.
  • Promote local and community tourism: By opting for tourism services managed by locals, we are directly contributing to the community’s economic development.
  • Support projects that promote gender equality: In Pereira, many initiatives seek to empower women by offering them dignified job opportunities.
  • Be informed and aware: As tourists, we have the responsibility to research and understand the reality of the destinations we visit. Not everything we see in movies or hear about represents the full reality.

Becoming a Professional: A Need and a Challenge

For many women working in prostitution in Pereira, one of the main challenges is leaving that reality and accessing dignified job opportunities. Lack of access to education and social prejudice put them in a vulnerable situation, where being a professional is not only a dream but an urgent need.

Many want to study, train, and reach a better future, but economic and social barriers hinder that process. However, local initiatives, from both the public and private sectors, are starting to offer training and empowerment programs to help these women reintegrate into the workforce and improve their quality of life.

Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities for women who have engaged in prostitution remain limited. Discrimination and the lack of professional training are significant obstacles for those who want to leave this activity.

However, in Pereira, there are organizations and movements that tirelessly work to offer alternative job opportunities, from the service sector to social enterprises. It is important that, as a society, we support these initiatives and foster the creation of dignified jobs that provide these women with the possibility of personal development and a dignified life.

Children and Their Implications

For many of these women, their children are a major factor motivating their desire to leave prostitution. Their children’s well-being, both economically and emotionally, is a priority. However, the implications of being a mother in these circumstances can be overwhelming: lack of resources, stigmatization, and fear of the future directly affect their decisions.

Many of them dream of providing their children with a different life, far from stigma and precariousness, which drives them to seek alternatives that allow them to be present and providing mothers without resorting to prostitution.

Women Who Choose to Continue in Prostitution

However, it is crucial to recognize that some women who engage in prostitution in Pereira choose to continue in this profession by their own decision. For them, prostitution represents not only a source of income but also a path to financial independence and control over their lives and bodies. In this context, the challenge is not only to provide alternative job opportunities but also to ensure that women who choose prostitution do so under safe, dignified conditions, free from social stigmas.

Sex workers have the right to demand protection of their labor and personal rights, and the debate on prostitution must include the recognition of their autonomy and decision-making capacity. In a modern and open society, it is essential to respect individual choices while combating any form of exploitation and violence.

In Colombia, sex work is legal for adults, meaning that any adult has the right to engage in prostitution independently. However, sexual exploitation, that is, any form of pimping or taking advantage of someone else’s sex work, is illegal. This includes activities such as human trafficking, the exploitation of minors, and the labor exploitation of sex workers.

The law severely punishes those who profit from the sex work of others, especially pimps and human traffickers. Therefore, while a person may choose to engage in prostitution freely, it is illegal for another person or entity to profit from their work without their consent or through coercion.

Protection of Minors

It is important to note that any form of child prostitution is absolutely illegal in Colombia and is considered a serious crime, both for those facilitating such activities and for clients.

Child sexual exploitation is a crime punishable by severe prison sentences, and the Colombian government has worked on national and international campaigns to combat the trafficking of minors for sexual purposes, particularly in the country’s tourist areas.

Visit Us!

It’s time for Pereira to be recognized for its true value: a city with immense cultural and natural heritage, inhabited by strong and resilient people. Changing the city’s perception and redirecting it toward an ethical and sustainable tourism model is key to the region’s future.

By choosing responsible tourism, we are not only protecting the environment but also ensuring that local communities, especially women, have the opportunity to live dignified and free lives.

Sustainable tourism in Pereira is possible, and it starts with conscious decisions that respect the culture, people, and environment.

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