Colombian Festivals You Can’t Miss


Colombia is known for its vibrant festivals and cultural celebrations, from the Barranquilla Carnival to the Flower Fair in Medellin. This post could provide an overview of some of the biggest and most exciting festivals to experience in Colombia.

As experts in Colombian festivities, we are excited to share with you some of the country’s most vibrant and colorful celebrations. From carnival parades to music festivals, Colombia is home to a wide range of events that showcase the country’s diverse culture and traditions.

Here are some of the Colombian festivals you can’t miss:

As we look ahead to 2023, there are plenty of exciting festivals and events taking place throughout Colombia. From colorful parades to traditional music performances, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some of the Colombian festivals you can’t miss in 2023:

Carnaval de Barranquilla

The Carnaval de Barranquilla is one of the most famous and lively festivals in Colombia, attracting thousands of visitors each year. The carnival takes place in February and features colorful parades, music, and dancing. It’s a celebration of the country’s Caribbean and African heritage and is sure to be a feast for the senses.

Medellín Flower Fair

The Medellin Flower Fair, or Feria de las Flores, is a ten-day event that takes place in August. It’s a celebration of the city’s flower industry and features a range of events including a horse parade, music concerts, and the famous Desfile de Silleteros – a parade of flower-laden wooden frames carried on the backs of farmers.

Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata

The Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata is a four-day event that takes place in Valledupar in April. It’s a celebration of traditional Vallenato music and features competitions in accordion, caja (drum), and guacharaca (scraping instrument). It’s a must-see for anyone interested in Colombia’s vibrant music scene.

Cali Fair

The Cali Fair, or Feria de Cali, is a five-day event that takes place in December. It’s a celebration of the city’s Afro-Colombian culture and features salsa dancing, music concerts, and bullfighting. If you’re looking for a party atmosphere, the Cali Fair is the place to be.

Carnaval de Negros y Blancos

The Carnaval de Negros y Blancos, or Black and White Carnival, takes place in the city of Pasto in January. It’s a colorful celebration of the country’s indigenous and African heritage, with parades, music, and dancing. Be sure to wear white on the first day and black on the second to fully participate in the tradition.

Ibero-American Theater Festival

The Ibero-American Theater Festival, or Festival de Teatro de Bogota, is a two-week event that takes place in Bogota in March. It’s a celebration of theater from around the world, with performances from countries across Latin America, Europe, and beyond.

Festival del Viento y las Cometas

The Festival del Viento y las Cometas, or Wind and Kite Festival, takes place in the city of Villa de Leyva in August. It’s a celebration of kite-flying, with competitions, workshops, and colorful parades. It’s a fun and family-friendly event that’s not to be missed.

Festival Nacional de la Música Colombiana

The Festival Nacional de la Música Colombiana takes place in the city of Ibagué in October. It’s a celebration of traditional Colombian music, with competitions in genres like bambuco, pasillo, and torbellino. If you’re a music lover, this festival is a must-see.

Feria de la Luna Verde

The Feria de la Luna Verde, or Green Moon Festival, takes place in the city of San Andres in November. It’s a celebration of the island’s Afro-Caribbean culture, with music, dancing, and a colorful parade. It’s a great opportunity to experience a different side of Colombian culture.

Colombian Festivals

Colombia is a country that loves to celebrate its rich cultural heritage through vibrant and colorful festivals. These ten festivals are just a few of the many events that showcase the country’s diverse traditions and customs. So if you’re planning a trip to Colombia, be sure to time your visit to coincide with one of these amazing festivals and experience the country’s festive spirit firsthand.

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