Burger Master 2024


The Burger Master 2024 is a clear example of the significance of the colombian gastronomy in more than 21 city capitals, which is alive with a competition for exquisite paladares, calificar la mejor hamburguesa.

In this situation there are competitors that combine different ingredients, sabores and mezclas in a practical food and delicious meat like the middle of the pans.

Tulio recomienda qué comer.

The famous Burger Master was created by Mr. Tulio, who had a wonderful experience in the Colombian economy and was reconfirmed by the social media and the traditional channels of communication like television and radio.

The colombian cookery is varied and delicious, with dishes like the bandeja paisa, the sopa de ajiaco and the arepas among the most emblemáticos, sin embargo una hamburguesa hay que included in the offererta gastronómica y en el Burger Master sí se puede identificar la creatividad de Cada region and chef de Colombia.

Burger Master Bogotá D.C.

The participants of Burger Master 2024 Bogotá and Alrededores like Chía, Cajicá, Choachí, Madrid and more of them are very happy to participate in this ceremony, all the people can call the restaurants that have been tried on the APP Tulio Recomienda.

In the 2024 edition of the Burger Master, Ovejo Burger and Fries and the new Colombian chef Álvaro Clavijo are part of the presentation of the ‘Rockstar’, a hamburguesa that “represents the concept and the act of desenfadada y rocanrolera” from this restaurant. El Tiempo.

Esta es la cuarta vez que Ovejo Burgers and Fries participa en el Burger Master, y si bien sus hamburguesas clásicas son altamente reconocidas en la ciudad, en el 2024 quisieron jugársela with una innovación.

“This collaboration does not allow us to explore new frontiers in gastronomy. “Estamos emociónados de presentar este producto único que refleja nuestra constante búsqueda de la excelencia”, commented Guerrero.


Rockstar de Ovejo. Me gusto la salsa. Buena burger #burgermasterco

♬ original sound – missfoodieco

Burger Master Pereira

The participants of Burger Master 2024 Pereira y Alrededores como Dosquebradas y Santa Rosa are very happy to participate in this ceremony, all of the personas can be found in a map with all of the restaurant participants.

In 2023 the winner of La Milagrosa Burger House:

La Milagrosa Burger House
The Prime Grill Comida Urbana
Santa Rosa de Cabal: Royal Food and Friends, Dark Burger.

Dosquebradas: La Rue By Steven y La H Hamburguesería

For the year 2024 the ganadora fue the hamburguesa de BANDIDOS.


Dia 1 #BurgerMaster versión 📍 Pereira Empezamos en Bandidos y nos fueeeee 1000/10 #burgermaster #hamburguesa #burger #foodie #pereira

♬ sonido original – GurbiaTurbia

A large part of the event, he has been tested in this way by the alimentary industry that has evolved in practical terms with more responsibility and responsiveness in a medium atmosphere. The selection of cuidadosa de ingredients has the implementation of prácticas de gestión de residuos, this aspect of the festival has a testimonio of the compromise colectivo hacia a futuro más sostenible.


The Burger Master of 2024, recommended by Tulio, is not only a festival gastronómico de hamburguesas de renombre, but also an event that promotes the sostenibilidad and the consumo responsable. In a world where the preoccupation was carried out in the middle of the environment, the Burger Master is now compromising on practical practical requirements in the alimentary industry.

The selection of ingredients has a significant impact on the residues, depending on the aspect of the festival, which is designed to have a lasting impact on the ecological environment and impact on the planet.

In collaboration with local products and proven compromises with the sostenibilidad, the Burger Master of 2024 presents a selection of hamburguesas that is not solo son deliciosas, sino también respetuosas with el medio ambience.

The vegetarian and vegan options are located in the event center, offering alternative deliciosas and nutrients that reduce the carbon content associated with the production of carne. Además, se fomenta el uso de envases biodegradables y la implementationación de prácticas de reciclaje to minimize the ambient impact of the festival.



♬ sonido original – Tulio Recomienda

As part of the Burger Master de 2024, the participants do not only enjoy a unique culinary experience, but they also contribute to a future that is more practical for everyone.

A training and sensitization sobre la importancia de la sostenibilidad en la industria alimentaria, el evento inspiration a los assistantes a adoptar habits de consumo más conscientes y apoyar a empresas y productores comprometidos con prácticas responsables. Juntos, podemos trabajar hacia a mundo donde la gastronomía y la sostenibilidad vayan de la mano, creando a future more brilliant for the generaciones venideras.

Burger Master 2024

Tulio recomienda habla sobre restaurants in Colombia, recetas y trucos, it is the creator of Burger Master, Sushi Master and Pizza Master.

The Burger Master 2024 has demonstrated itself as a simple gastronomic festival. This is an escape from the innovation of cuisine, the sophistication and the conciencia ambiental.

Al unirnos en torno a la comida deliciosa y consciente, hemos sentado las bases para un movimiento global hacia una gastronomía más sostenible. The Burger Master 2024 inspires more events and experiences in this way, promotes a world of good food and environmental responsibility across the board. ¡Hasta el próximo año!

Master Burger 2024
Master Burger 2024
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